I was going to wait until the lovely Pam sent me photos of herself with her Dewdrops Of Rubies to break the news but I can contain it no longer because I'm so over-the-moon that there's someone out there (besides myself and my pals) who sees value in my fabric "gems"!
Pam emailed me over the weekend asking to buy #10, paid almost immediately and she should be receiving the "gems" in her mailbox today.
She'll be showing them off at her friend's birthday drinkie-poos this weekend - I love that she bought them to wear for a special occasion!
Pam is going down in the tomes of The Empress Dowager's New Jewels as the very very special first ever customer. Yay!
Thank you, Pam, for allowing yourself to be "swindled" and for gamely playing along! I hope you'll have as much fun with them as I had making them. xx
Oh bugger, I'm just catching up on all your posts and noticed these just 5 mins ago. Poo bum wee.
But congrats on your first sale! Do you have any more of that fabric? xx
Helloooo Top Bird,
Good to see your here! Thank you for visiting the likkle shop.
Yes, I do have more of the fabric. In fact, I just completed another one, in a different setting and with another fabric mixed in. Will be listing it soon. xx
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